The University Grants Commission, in 1977, incorporated extension into its policy statement for higher education. It states that - If the University system has to discharge adequately its responsibilities to the entire education system and to the society as a whole it must assume extension as the third important responsibility and give it the same status as teaching and research. This is a new and extremely significant area which should be developed on the basis of high priority.
The Centre was established in 1977, with financial assistance from the UGC, to promote literacy programs, and organize short-term training courses, workshops,seminanrs, summer schools etc. for various target groups to upgrade and update knowledge in respective fields. The strategies have been to organizing programs, which are need based ,flexible, catering to the diverse needs of a large segment of people, ranging from illiterates, semi-illiterates to the experts, professionals and elite groups.
The Centre caters to the needs of those who have been deprived of benefits of formals system of education. Its program,s facilitate linking of Higher Education with development process. It endeavors to reach to the larger sections of adults, through university system, to provide learning opportunities and address market demands both in rural and urban areas. It holds awareness programs in literacy, post-literacy, continuing education, sanitation, environment, gender equality family life education, nutrition, population education, increasing incomes and vocational skills for unemployed youth for their employment or self-employment. Number of beneficiaries ranges from 2000 to 3000 each year.
The Centre perform the following functions: Literacy and Follow up Program; Extension and Field Outreach activities; Continuing Education and vocational courses,Research,Documentation and Development of Material, Seminars and Workshops, Guidance and Counseling, Population Education Extension Activities.
The Aims and Objectives of the Centre are; to promote a meaningful and sustained report between the University and the community, to extend knowledge and other institutional resources to the community and vice- versa. To gain insights from a contact between knowledge resource and social-cultural realities, to develop two-way process between the experts and the people, to create an ambience for a learning society, to facilitate the development of capabilities of the community for the overall development and help people to improve quality of life..
Enquiry No(s): 1800-180-2065, +91 172 2534818, 2534866 (from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm & 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm on working days )
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